Wednesday, 1 February 2012

Great News!

It looks like my novel has been accepted for publication! I'm really excited about this. I need to wait before I talk about it in detail as nothing is signed yet. Also, we're working on the title. The publisher didn't like my original title so we're going to have to come up with something together.

The really thrilling part is that I get cover art. Cover art! I am so thrilled. I can just imagine the big beefy dude they pair my heroine up with. Or maybe the artist will choose to portray one of her lady loves. Who knows?

The other day I read an article about people reading more erotica than ever. With the kindle and kobo, reading has become more private than ever. The article said some people get a secret thrill out of reading erotica on their e-readers as they commute to and from work on the bus. I have to say, it gives me a very real thrill to think that my words will get to be a part of that soon.

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